Friday, May 24, 2013

Finding Hope


Seems like such a simple word, doesn't it?  Four little letters packed with so much meaning.  We hope for things.  We find hope in things.  We can be filled with hope or feel completely hopeless.

In 1999, I married my soul mate and hoped to travel the world before starting a family.

In 2000, I hoped to adopt 2 brothers from the local foster care system.  God, instead, began growing our family "the old-fashioned way."

In 2001, I gave birth after a very traumatic pregnancy.  I hoped to never get pregnant again.  I did.

In 2007, I hoped to adopt internationally from Rwanda.  God, instead, grew our family with children from Ghana (4 years later!).

In 2012, I returned to Ghana with the hope of adding 2 more incredible daughters to our lives.  God, instead, had another plan for our family.

Based on the 4 extraordinary children who call me Mom, I'm no longer putting my hope in my own ideas.  Had I gotten all I'd hoped for over the years, I would have NONE of these amazing blessings!!!!  I've not been a quick learner in this area.  In fact, I still struggle and have to give it up daily...but now I know to put ALL my hope in the One who already knows the steps before me.  The One who has already named the children in our future (should His will bring more children into our lives).  The Only One who could have brought our family together.

A quick search of my favorite online Bible yielded 180 results for the word HOPE in the NIV translation.  Considering there are only 66 books in the Bible, I'd say HOPE is a pretty prominent message in scripture.

Now, I am content to find my Hope in the Lord.  I pray He will see fit to bless us with more children someday, but until then, I'll continue to cherish the children I have...and our new puppy!  

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